Two stages of the competition Young Car Mechanic 2021in Poland

Despite the raging covid-19 pandemic, in the lockdown condition in all schools we just completed the seond stage of Young Car Mechanic 2021 contest in Poland.

The first and second stages of the competition were conducted as an on-line test on the platform. All the questions of both stages were prepared by the partners of the project co-financed by the ERASMUS + Program.

In both stages of the competition, each participant answered 100 single-choice questions, within the maximum time of 100 minutes. The second stage questions were more difficult than the first one.

Each participant received the test results immediately after giving the last answer. Additionally, through the administration platform, the Teachers-Coordinators could follow the struggles of their students on an ongoing basis. Participants who obtained 60% correct answers qualified for the second stage. 

The first stage score 

27 schools entered the competition - all participating in the Young Staff Program run by Inter Cars S.A. in Poland. Two schools, due to covid-19 restrictions, did not take part in the competition. We are very sorry and we keep our fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

Finaly, 728 participants from 25 schools took the test on March 29-31, 2021.  343 of them  answered correctly to 60 of the 100 questions and  obtained the right to participate in the second stage  (semi-final).  The average number of points obtained for this group was 73.

The largest number of students filled the first stage on-line test in two schools:

  • Complex of Mechanical Schools in Opole - 123 people;
  • Construction School Complex named after Prince George II Piast in Brzeg - 111 people.

The second stage score

15 March 2021, 291 participants from 25 schools took the second stage test. The average test score for all participants of the second stage was 52%. The highest number of students filled the second stage test in three schools:

  • Mechanical School Complex in Opole - 41 people,
  • The Complex of Construction and Automobile Schools named after Nicholas Copernicus in Gorzów Wlkp. - 32 people,
  • Complex of Mechanical Schools No. 1 named after Szczepan Humbert in Krakow - 29 people.

It was not easy. Only 67 participants from 20 schools answered correctly to 60 out of 100 questions. The average number of points obtained for this group is 67 %.

The ten best participants, who obtained the highest number of points in the shortest time from ten different schools on 22-23 May 2021, will compete in Czosnów for the title of the best Polish Young Car Mechanic 2021 and the right to start in the great international final. 

More information available on the Polish website of the competition: